Obituary: Roger Wooster

Roger Wooster, actor, theatre in educationalist and teacher, died on 5th October 2022, after a long courageous and graceful period of living with his cancer.  Roger was a long-time associate of the Standing Conference of Young People’s Theatre (SCYPT) and the National Association for the Teaching of Drama (NATD).  He made significant contributions to the development of the theoretical journal of NATD as a member of its editorial committee over a number of years. 

Shortly before his death, Chris Cooper interviewed Roger at his home in Pontypool, Wales. An edited transcript of that interview will be printed in Volume 37, Issue 2 of The Journal for Drama in Education in recognition and celebration of Roger’s life, his work and his steadfast determination to defend and develop a theoretically guided approach to the related fields of theatre and drama in education.

The full version is available below.


Site B – online seminars exploring key components of ‘being’ in role in process drama


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