Dorothy Heathcote Now Conference
Presented by Midland Actors Theatre and Birmingham City University.
Dorothy Heathcote was ahead of her time.
Her work continues to provide models, inspiration, and challenges. Her vision of a revolution in the way we think about education seems even more urgent now than ever.
This conference will combine talks and practical workshops. It will look at the different methods she created – process drama, Mantle of the Expert, Commission Model and Rolling Role – and the connections between them.
Speakers/presenters include: Cecily O’Neill, Luke Abbott and Brian Edmiston
Coinciding with the conference, the National Association for the Teaching of Drama will publish a special “Dorothy Heathcote” issue of the Journal for Drama in Education.
The conference will be held at Birmingham City University, or online.
To register, go to:
We have not set the conference fees at this stage, because we do not know if the event will be held “live” (at BCU) or online. A decision on this will be made nearer to the date and will depend on the situation at the time. You can still register now for free, to make sure of your place. We will invoice you later, when we know the form the conference will take. You will be able to decide at that time whether you want to go ahead with your booking, or cancel it.
For further details about the conference, contact:
00 44 7946 006511
The conference is presented in association with Woodrow First School, the Mantle Network, and the Department of Canadian, Intermedial and Postcolonial Studies (UL).
Midland Actors Theatre is currently lead partner on two Erasmus Plus projects, on the Commission Model and Rolling Role. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union